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1Books for Sale
A Study of Heliocentric Science Swami Abhedananda $10.00
Adhyatma Ramayana Swami Tapasayananda $7.00
Adventures in Religious Life Swami Yatiswarananda $7.50
Alasinga Perumal Swami Sunirmalananda $9.00
An Enquiry into Psychology Soul and Absolute Swami Prajnananda $10.00
Ancient Indian Greats Lalita Ramakrishna $11.00
Approaching Ramakrishna Anthology $5.00
Aspects of Vedanta N.C. Panda and M.C. Alasin $10.00
Attitude of Vedanta Toward Religion Swami Abhedananda $12.00
Bhagavad Gita as Viewed by Swami Vivekananda Swami Vivekananda $6.00
Bhagavad Gita by Tapasyananda Swami Tapasayananda $13.00
Bhagavad Gita; Song of God Swami Prabhavananda $8.00
Bhagavad Gita; The Divine Message Swami Abhedananda $8.00
Bhagavad Gita; The Scripture of Mankind Swami Tapasayananda $5.50
Bhagavad Gita; Message of Harmony and Synthesis Ramakirshna Mission $9.25
Can One be Scientific Yet Spiritual Swami Budhananda $2.75
Christ the Savior and Christ Myth Swami Prajnananda $7.00
Companions and Followers of Ramakrishna Swami Bodhananda $10.00
Consciousness; A Deeper Scientific Search Professor Shear $8.50
Dharma and Its Practice Swami Prabuddhananda $5.00
Divine Heritage of Man Swami Abhedananda $12.00
Doctrine of Karma Swami Abhedananda $7.00
Eternal Mother Various $7.00
Ethical Philosophy of the Gita P.N. Srinivasachari $8.50
First Meetings with Sri Ramakrishna Swami Prabhananda $8.00
For Seekers of God Swami Shivananda $10.00
Girish Chandra Ghosh: A Bohemian Devotee of Sri Ramakrishna Swami Chetanananda $23.00
Gita for Everyday Living Various $5.00
God Lived With Them Swami Chetanananda $15.00
Great Thinkers on Ramakrishna and Vivekananda Jawaharlal Nehru $10.25
Harmony of Religions Swami Bhajanananda $5.00
Healthy Values of Living Swami Tathagatananda $6.00
Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi Swami Gambhirananda $9.00
Holy Trio and Their Mission Swami Bhajanananda $14.00
How to be a Yogi Swami Abhedananda $6.00
How to Live With God Swami Chetanananda $16.00
In Search of Spiritual Values Swami Praphananda $8.00
Indian Philosophical Systems A Compilation $8.00
Inspired Talks Swami Vivekananda $12.00
Inspiring Illustrations of Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother
and Swamiji
Swami Tathagatananda $8.00
Josephine McCloud and Vivekananda’s Mission Linda Prugh $11.00
Letters of Swami Vivekananda Swami Vivekananda $10.00
Life Beyond Death Swami Abhedananda $9.00
Life of M and Sri Ramakrishna Katamrita Dharm Pal Gupta $20.00
Life of Ramakrishna Romain Rolland 7.00
Life of Swami Vivekananda (Volume 1) Eastern & Western Disciples $8.00
Life of Swami Vivekananda (Volume 2) Eastern & Western Disciples $8.00
Life, Mind and Consciousness A Compilation $9.00
Like the Gentle Dew Swami Atmashraddhananda $11.25
Mahendra Nath Gupta (M) Swami Chetanananda $12.00
Meditation According to Yoga – Vedanta Swami Siddeshwarananda $8.00
Meditation and Its Practices Swami Adiswarananda $10.00
Meditation and Spiritual Life Swami Yatiswarananda $15.00
Meditation as Spiritual Culmination (Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali
and Raja Yoga Lectures by Swami Sarvagatananda) 2 volumes
Swami Sarvagatananda $61.00
Monastic Disciples of Swami Vivekananda Swami Abjajananda $15.00
More About Ramakrishna Swami Prabhananda $5.00
Mystery of Death Swami Abhedananda $9.75
Myth and Legends of Hindus and Buddhists Sister Nivedita $10.00
No One is a Stranger Swami Atmashraddhananda $8.50
Patanjali Yoga Sutras Swami Prabhavananda $5.00
Paths of Realization Swami Abhedananda $8.00
Pearls of Wisdom Swami Vivekananda $4.50
Philosophy of Science: An Exploratory Approach to Consciousness Swami Pramananda $6.50
Practical Spirituality Swami Lokeswarananda $10.00
Precepts for Perfection $3.50
Ramakrishna and Christ Hans Torwesten $6.00
Ramakrishna and His Disciples Christopher Isherwood $7.00
Ramakrishna Katamrita and Sri Ramakrishna M and Swami Abhedananda $7.00
Ramakrishna: An Introduction Swami Sunirmalanda $11.00
Realizing God: Lecture on Vedanta Swami Prabhavananda $6.00
Reincarnation Swami Abhedananda $8.00
Relief of Tension, Depression and Anxiety Through Spiritual
Swami Tathagatananda $5.00
Religion, Revelation and God Swami Abhedananda $9.00
Religions of the World Compilation $9.50
Reminiscenses of Swami Vivekananda Various $5.00
Science of Psychic Phenomena Swami Abhedananda $11.00
Search After Happiness Swami Ramakrishnananda $7.00
Seeing God Everywhere Swami Shraddhananda $5.50
Selections from Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda Swami Vivekananda $5.50
Self Knowledge Swami Abhedananda $9.50
Some Responses to Classical Yoga in the Modern Period Various $6.25
Spiritual Treasures: Letters of Swami Turiyananda Swami Turiyananda $9.00
Spiritual Unfoldment Swami Abhedananda $8.00
Spiritual Values to Live By Swami Prabhananda $4.25
Sri Ramakrishna in the Eyes of Brahmo and Christian Admirers Nanda Mookerjee $8.00
Ramakrishna: A Biography in Pictures Advaita Ashram $8.00
Ramakrishna: A Prophet of the New Age Robert Schiffman $4.00
Ramakrishna: Myriad Facets Compilation $8.00
Sri Ramakrishna: The Great Prophet of Harmony Compilation $4.50
Ramakrishna’s Thoughts on Man, World and God Swami Tapasayananda $9.50
Ramakrishna: The Personification of Gods & Goddesses Rasipuram Ramabadran $10.00
Sri Sarada Devi: A Biography in Pictures Swami Smaranananda $10.00
Sri Sarada Devi: Consort of Sri Ramakrishna Swami Vivekananda $8.00
Sri Sarada Devi: The Great Wonder Compilation $5.50
Srimad Bhagavad Gita Swami Tapasayananda $6.00
Strive to Attain God Swami Virajananda $5.00
Swami Akhandananda Swami Akhandananda $10.00
Swami Trigunatita: His Life and Work Marie Louise Burke $9.00
Swami Vivekananda in America: New Findings Asim Chadhuri $12.00
Swami Vivekananda in Chicago Asim Chadhuri $13.00
Swami Vivekananda in the West: New Discoveries (Volume 1) Marie Louise Burke $13.00
Swami Vivekananda in the West: New Discoveries (Volume 2) Marie Louise Burke $13.00
Swami Vivekananda in the West: New Discoveries (Volume 3) Marie Louise Burke $13.00
Swami Vivekananda in the West: New Discoveries (Volume 4) Marie Louise Burke $13.00
Swami Vivekananda in the West: New Discoveries (Volume 5) Marie Louise Burke $13.00
Swami Vivekananda in the West: New Discoveries (Volume 6) Marie Louise Burke $13.00
Swami Vivekananda Tells Stories Swami Vivekananda $8.00
Swami Vivekananda: A Historical Review Dr. R.C. Majumdar $3.00
Swami Vivekananda: A Hundred Years Since Chicago – A
Commemorative Volume
Compilation $20.00
Swami Vivekananda: Born Leader Asim Chaudhuri $10.00
Swami Vivekananda: Studies in the Soviet Union Harish C. Gupta $10.00
Talks With Swami Vivekananda Sarat Chandra Chakravati $5.50
Tantine: The Life of Josephine McCloud Prabuddhaprana $8.00
Teachings of Ramakrishna Sri Ramakrishna $4.25
The Bhagavad Gita Swami Nikhilananda $6.00
The Compassionate Mother: The Oldest Biography of Sri Sarada
Brahmachari Akshayachaita $12.00
Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda (9 volumes – paperback) Swami Vivekananda $55.00
Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda (9 volumes – hard cover) Swami Vivekananda $110.00
The Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna Swami Gambhirananda $6.00
The Eternal Companion Swami Prabhavananda $8.00
The Four Yogas of Vivekananda Swami Tapasayananda $10.00
The Four Yogas: A Guide to the Spiritual Paths of Action, Devotion,
Meditation and Knowledge
Swami Adiswarananda $12.00
The Goal Supreme Swami Virajananda $5.00
The Gospel of the Holy Mother Sarada Devi $8.75
The Great Saviors of the World Swami Abhedananda $10.00
The Light of the Modern World Swami Bhajanananda $8.50
The Master as we Saw Him Sister Nivedita $5.00
The Perennial Values of Indian Culture Swami Lokeswarananda $15.00
The Science and Philosophy of Religion Swami Vivekananda $8.00
The Spiritual Quest and the Way of Yoga Swami Adiswarananda $5.00
The Unreal to the Real Swami Bhashyananda $5.00
The Upanishads Swami Nikhilananda $9.00
The Upanishads: The Breath of the Eternal Swami Prabhavananda $9.00
The Way to God as Taught by Sri Ramakrishna Swami Lokeswarananda $7.00
The Wonder That is Sri Ramakrishna Akshay Kumar Sen $5.00
They Lived With God Swami Chetanananda $15.00
True Psychology Swami Abhedananda $8.00
Understanding Consciousness: Recent Advances Swami Sarvabhutananda $8.00
Universal Religion and Vedanta Swami Abhedananda $9.00
Upanishad in Daily Life Vedanta Kesari $14.00
Vedanta for All Swami Satprakashananda $5.50
Vivekananda as the Turning Point Compilation $17.00
Vivekananda in Europe Swami Vidyatmananda $7.00
Vivekananda Reader M. Sivaramakrishna $4.00
Vivekananda: A Biography Swami Nikhilananda $13.00
Vivekananda: A Biography in Pictures Advaita Ashram $10.00
Vivekananda: East Meets West: A Pictorial Biography Swami Chetanananda $7.00
Vivekananda: His Contribution to the present Age Swami Satprakashananda $20.00
Vivekananda: The Great Spiritual Teacher Compilation $6.00
Vivekananda: The Man and the Message Eastern & Western Disciples $4.50
Western Admirers of Sri Ramakrishna and His Disciples Gopal Stavig $10.50
Western Women in the Footsteps of Swami Vivekananda Anthology $8.75
What Religion Is Swami Vivekananda $6.50
What the Disciples Said About It; A Compilation of the Teachings
of Twelve Monastic Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna
Edith Tipple $11.00
Words of Inspiration Swami Vivekananda $5.00
Yoga for Beginners Swami Gnaneswarananda $8.00
Yoga Psychology Swami Abhedananda $9.00
Yoga: its Theory and Practice Swami Abhedananda $10.00
Yoga: Its Various Aspects Compilation $7.00

Shipping – Books sold through Amazon carry a universal shipping and handling rate of $3.99 per book in addition.

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