
Commencing of Session 2023-2024

Regular services of The Vedanta Center of St. Petersburg for the year 2023-2024 shall begin with the opening service on Sunday, September 10, 2023, at 11 am. We welcome everyone back after the summer recess.

The activities of the Center return back to pre-pandemic routine – Sunday service at 11 am, Chanting class on Mondays at 7 pm, and Scripture classes on Wednesdays at 7 pm. There shall be classes on Vedanta text books, which is continuation of Bhagavad Gita at present, on all Wednesdays except on the last Wednesday each month when Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna shall be studied.

Monday evening chanting class on hymns and prayers will be held in Mother’s House located at 176 – 19th Avenue SE, St. Petersburg. Sunday services and the Classes on Wednesdays shall be held in the Chapel and shall be available live via zoom platform.


Sunday Lectures

June 2
The True Religion
June 9
 God in Human Life
June 16
 God in the Present Time
June 23
Yoga and Its Practice – I
 June 30
Yoga and Its Practice – II


Weekly Classes

Monday: 7:00 PM: Chanting Class

Wednesday: 7:00 PM: Scripture Class

The Vedanta Center will be closed for the summer recess during the months of July and August
2024. Classes and services are suspended and will resume in September after Labor Day. We
offer our best wishes for a spiritually invigorating summer to all our friends and well wishers.

Inspirational Thoughts

The work of ethics has been, and will be in the future, not the destruction of variation and the establishment of sameness in the external world—which is impossible for it would bring death and annihilation—but to recognize the unity in spite of all these variations, to recognize the God within, in spite of everything that frightens us, to recognize that infinite strength as the property of everyone in spite of all apparent weakness, and to recognize the eternal, infinite, essential purity of the soul in spite of everything to the contrary that appears on the surface.

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Each soul is a star, and all stars are set in that infinite azure, that eternal sky, the Lord. Thee is the root, the reality, and real individuality of each and ll. Religion began with the search after some of these stars that had passed beyond our horizon, and ended in finding them all in God, and ourselves in the same place.

I may not find it when I try to grasp it, to sense it, and to actualize it, yet I know for certain that it is there. If I am sure of anything, it is of this humanity which is common to us all. It is through this generalized entity that I see you as a man or a woman. So it is with this universal religion, which runs through all the various religions of the world in the form of God; it must and does exist through eternity. “I am the thread that runs through all these pearls,” and each pearl is a religion or even a sect thereof. Such are the different pearls, and the Lord is the thread that runs through all of them; only the majority of mankind are entirely unconscious of it.

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All souls are playing, some consciously, some unconsciously. Religion is learning to play consciously.

-Swami Vivekananda